
Cross-compiling BPF

Install depedencies

This is assuming a modern Ubunt distro. What we will do here is to install the toolchain that is needed to cross-compile for the target architecture.

[!WARNING] don’t go crazy in installed foreign arch packages, it may mess some of your system symlinks. Probably better off doing this in a container….

# Set up repo for s390x, it is only available from the `ports` repo.
cat <<EOF >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/s390x.list
deb [arch=s390x] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports  mantic main restricted
deb [arch=s390x] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports  mantic-updates main restricted
# Add the architecture
sudo dpkg --add-architecture s390x

apt install g{cc,++}-"${XARCH}-linux-gnu" {libelf-dev,libssl-dev,pkgconf}:s390x

Patch kernel sources

We need to apply xcompile_bpf_selftest.diff to the kernel tree in order to be able to run bpftool for the target architecture during the skeleton generation.

In turn, this requires support for the foreign architecture with binfmt. For new Ubuntu systems, it is just a matter of installing

sudo apt-get install -y qemu-user-static

Then you can see the different architecture supported by looking at:

$ ls /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/
llvm-16-runtime.binfmt  qemu-alpha  qemu-cris     qemu-loongarch64  qemu-mips      qemu-mipsel     qemu-ppc      qemu-riscv32  qemu-sh4    qemu-sparc32plus  qemu-xtensaeb
python3.11              qemu-arm    qemu-hexagon  qemu-m68k         qemu-mips64    qemu-mipsn32    qemu-ppc64    qemu-riscv64  qemu-sh4eb  qemu-sparc64      register
qemu-aarch64            qemu-armeb  qemu-hppa     qemu-microblaze   qemu-mips64el  qemu-mipsn32el  qemu-ppc64le  qemu-s390x    qemu-sparc  qemu-xtensa       status

Building the kernel and selftests

cat tools/testing/selftests/bpf/config{,.vm,.${XPLATFORM}} > ${KBUILD_OUTPUT_DIR}/.config

make ARCH="${XARCH}" CROSS_COMPILE="${XPLATFORM}-linux-gnu-" O="${KBUILD_OUTPUT_DIR}"  -j$((4 * $(nproc))) olddefconfig
make ARCH="${XARCH}" CROSS_COMPILE="${XPLATFORM}-linux-gnu-" O="${KBUILD_OUTPUT_DIR}"  -j$((4 * $(nproc))) all
make ARCH="${XARCH}" CROSS_COMPILE="${XPLATFORM}-linux-gnu-" O="${KBUILD_OUTPUT_DIR}"  -j$((4 * $(nproc))) -C tools/testing/selftests/bpf

Building selftest with clang:

make  ARCH="${XARCH}" CROSS_COMPILE="${XPLATFORM}-linux-gnu-" O="${KBUILD_OUTPUT_DIR}"  -j$((4 * $(nproc))) CLANG=clang-16 LLC=llc-16 LLVM_STRIP=llvm-strip-16 VMLINUX_BTF="${KBUILD_OUTPUT_DIR}/vmlinux" VMLINUX_H= -C tools/testing/selftests/bpf

Generate Ubuntu 23.10 rootfs

In order to run the kernel in a VM we need a rootfs for s390x of the same Ubuntu version to avoid library mismatch.

docker2rootfs -R registry-1.docker.io -i s390x/ubuntu -r 23.10 -o /tmp/s390x_rootfs
# chroot and install a few useful packages
cp /etc/resolv.conf /tmp/s390x_rootfs/etc/
sudo chroot  /tmp/s390x_rootfs/
# Within chroot
mount -t devtmpfs -o nosuid,noexec dev /dev
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp
apt update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y qemu-guest-agent ethtool keyutils iptables gawk libelf1 zlib1g libssl3 iproute2 finit-sysv
umount /tmp /dev
# exit chroot

Run kernel within chroot

vmtest -k "${KBUILD_OUTPUT_DIR}/arch/s390/boot/bzImage" -r /tmp/s390x_rootfs/ -a s390x "uname -m" | cat